When I read this Wall Street Journal Blog title I thought there would be this scandalous discovery that Physicians don't follow the advice they give their patients or something similar. The reality is the title is more sizzling than the research discovery.
"Doctors were more likely to opt for treatments with a higher chance of death — but lower risk of serious side effects — for themselves than for their patients in a survey of 940 primary-care physicians evaluating one of two hypothetical medical scenarios."
What I gather from the article, I didn't read the study, is that without in depth personal knowledge of their patients risk tolerance and quality of life issues, doctors will more often choose treatments with less risk of mortality and slightly higher rates of complication.
Face it, it is a tough call no matter how you look at it, but having some rudimentary relationship with the doctor would seem logical.
Dr David Marcon
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255
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