Interesting correlation which could dismiss the notion of "I'm not fat just big boned>" Also, being a very easily seen marker may increase diet and exercise compliance in children and young adults.
"So based on evidence that insulin has a direct effect on bone growth, Dr. Raffaella Buzzetti, an endocrinologist at University Sapienza in Rome, Italy, decided to test whether wrist circumference would be a better indicator of insulin resistance, and therefore potential heart disease, in young children. Reporting in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association, Buzzetti and her team found that wrist circumference accounted for about 12% to 17% of the differences in insulin resistance among a group of nearly 500 overweight or obese school children. The thicker the children's wrists, the more likely they were to show signs of insulin resistance."
Time Magazine
Dr. David Marcon
Marcon Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Cincinnati Ohio
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