Monday, June 17, 2013

The FDA has been corrupted for Decades

The laughable statements being made by our current leadership in the FDA in regard to Genetically Modified Food (GMO) is nothing new.  How can anyone feel safe eating something for the first time in the history of mankind?  If you survive the exposure one time, does that mean future consumption will also be safe?  The true answer is that no one knows the future, not even the food experts.  That is why the

The architect of the nation's first Pure Food and Drug Law of 1906, Dr Harvey W. Wiley, was the first chief of the Bureau of Chemistry (later named the FDA) fought to protect our food from corruption by the Commercial food producers and their politicos.
Dr. Wiley tried to prevent the sale of processed wheat flour and the interstate transport of Coca-Cola calling them unfit for human consumption.
After being forced out by his enemies and replaced by Elmer M. Nelson, MD, Dr Wiley moved on to create the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval".

Dr. Nelson was quoted by the Washington Post October 26th, 1949 
with the following statement:
"It is wholly unscientific to state that a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body.  My overall opinion is that there hasn't been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make on more susceptible to disease."  
The truth of the matter was that there was literally thousands of references in scientific journals throughout Europe and North American linking nutritional status and disease.
Studies by Dr. Weston Price "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" 1939, Sir Robert McCarrison, MD "Study in Deficiency Diseases"  as well as decades of research done by Dr Francis Pottenger, Dr Roger Williams and Dr Agnes Fay Morgan all revealed the direct correlations between nutrition and disease.

If not enough for Dr. Nelson, the United States Surgeon General, Dr. Thomas Parran, stated on NBC radio January 18th, 1941:
"We have learned of the virtues of milk and of green vegetables; of fish liver oils, so rich in vitamins A and D; of the vitamin C in citrus fruits. In spite of this, every survey, by whatever  method and wherever conducted, shows that malnutrition of many types is widespread and serious among the American people. We eat over-refined foods, with most of the natural values processed out of them. Because of this, many well to do Americans who can eat what they like are so badly fed as to be physically inferior and mentally dull.  The nutrition of the very poor is appalling."

As an interesting side note, Dr Wiley self-published his extraordinary memoirs, "The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law" in 1929.  His previous attempts to publish were sabotaged and after his death in 1930 the book vanished from libraries and bookshops around the nation with in weeks!  In 1955, with the aid of photolithography, the Lee Foundation reprinted the book.

If you are interested in reading more about the Link between Food and our Immunity to disease, purchase the book "Empty Harvest" by Dr Bernard Jensen & Mark Anderson.

Work Smarter; Not Harder!

Dr David Marcon
Marcon Chiropractic & Wellnsess Center

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