From this experience I became interested in finding the most efficient form or resistance exercise to not only free up my personal time but to improve my health and well-being (I may have lost alot of fat but I was in pain and chronically tired).
My new goal with this competition is to get even leaner but maintain more muscle while working out 1 hour per week. The standard amount of resistance and cardio training is obviously much greater, but I do believe an hour if done with enough intensity is enough stimulation to produce muscle gains without decompensating.
My current workout plan is to work legs:quads,calves and abs once per week. I have been alternating every two weeks Chest, Shoulders and triceps with Back and biceps. Each workout is about 20 minutes in duration.
Here is the breakdown:
Legs: Leg Extension 12-20 reps; 8 to 10 seconds per repetition
Leg Press 12-20 reps; 8 to 10 seconds per rep
Standing Calf Raises 12- 20 reps holding at top for 3 seconds
Incline dumbbell fly 6-10 reps
Smith Machine Incline 6-10 reps
Machine Chest Press 6-10 reps
Lateral fly/shoulders 6-10 reps (single arm)
Military Press 6-10 reps
Tricep Pushdowns 6-10 reps
Dips 3-5 reps
Pull overs 6-10 reps
Pull-downs supinated grip 6-10 reps
Deadlift 6-10 reps
Preacher Curl 6-10 reps
Concentration Curl 6-10 reps.
All sets are done to failure with minimal rest in between exercises. I have tried to go from exercise to exercise with no rest but my form suffered so much I decided that a minute or two to compose myself was not going to adversely effect my training especially since I workout by myself and don't get the benefit of assisted repititions.
I have 2 months before the contest and hope to post some pictures to show the outcome of my experiment.