Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Low Carbohydrate Diet for Type II Diabetics

Here is an article endorsing a Low Carb diet by Richard D. Feinman, PhD,Professor of Biochemistry at State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, co-editor-in-chief of the journal Nutrition & Metabolism, and Director of the Nutrition and Metabolism Society which endorses Low Carbohydrate diets for Type II Diabetics

Low Carbohydrate Diets: Why You Don't Want the "Experts" to Tell You What to Eat
The loss of control of glucose metabolism is what makes a low carbohydrate diet a good therapeutic approach, and it's why I'm astonished that experts encourage people with diabetes to eat carbohydrates and then "cover" them with insulin [1].

It strikes me as odd that what most experts know about metabolism - diabetes is, after all, a metabolic disease - they learned in medical school from somebody like me [2]. The first thing we teach medical students at Downstate Medical Center is that there is no biological requirement for carbohydrate.
It is astonishing that we continue to be lead astray by the very people we entrust our health. Is Medicine so slow to change because of their fear of change or just the fear of being wrong for so long? As an aside, my most recent dental appointment revealed another postive for the low carbohydrate diet. My teeth were nearly free of tartar despite not brushing them constantly, not flossing, and drinking my 3-4 cups of coffee a day.

High Carb Foods Can Cause Heart Attacks

Work Smarter Not Harder!
Dr David Marcon
Cincinnati, Ohio


  1. Its sad that government agencies continue to push high carb meals to all Americans as a healthy diet.

  2. I'd love to see a link to the original article

  3. Here is the original link, sorry for the snafu.
