A fast-emerging body of scientific evidence points to a conclusion that's unsettling, to say the least, for a lot of older athletes: Running can take a toll on the heart that essentially eliminates the benefits of exercise.
Read complete article: Wall Street Journal
I have multiple blog posts that make powerful points on this subject. Over-training, which is rampant in our culture and even emulated, leads to deterioration of our body physically, chemically and emotionally. I personally lift weights once every fourth day for about 30-45 minutes and cardio/anaerobic activity (NO RUNNING) 1-2 times per week for 20 minutes each session. This has enabled me to maintain a much leaner physique at 50 yrs old than I had by training 5-6 days per week for 1-2 hours a session 5 years ago.
If you find this confusing or interesting I recommend you purchase "Body by Science" by Doug McGuff, MD and John Little. This book is the most complete and easy to comprehend compilation on the science of exercise, health and fitness.
Work Smarter Not Harder!
Dr David Marcon
Marcon Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Cincinnati Ohio 45244
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