Previous low-volume HIT studies have utilized all-out exercise intervals on a specialized cycle ergometer and our findings are unique in that the HIT protocol was designed to be more practical and attainable for the general population.The Journal of Physiology
Six sessions of eight to twelve 60 s constant load intervals, completed in ~18–26 min per session and requiring ~1 h of total exercise time commitment per week resulted in significant improvements in functional exercise performance and skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis.
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Power Max 360. 3-5 twenty second intervals utilizing the Power Max will increase heart rate, improve muscular endurance, stiffen the core stabilizers and provide high velocity strength adapatations which are particularly useful in athletic performance.
If you would like to know more about the equipment and live in the Cincinnati area, contact my good friend Joe Bonin
Dr David Marcon
Work Smarter Not Harder!
Cincinnati, Ohio