Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sleep deprivation has a profound impact on multiple disease states.

 If you sleep less than 6 hours, epidemiological studies show the following:

Stroke is increased by a factor of 4 times.

Obesity is increased by an increase in ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone.

Diabetes is increased because sleep deprivation increases insulin resistance.

Memory loss is accelerated. Epidemiological studies show that there is not only permanent cognitive loss but also evidence of early brain deterioration.

Osteoporosis is increased, at least in an animal model, with changes in bone mineral density. Even changes in bone marrow are evident within 3 months of a study in a rat model.

Cardiac disease is increased. There is a 48% increase in early cardiac death, as well as increased cardiac-related mortality.

A 4-fold overall increase in mortality.

As it relates to gastrointestinal disease, there is an increased risk for colon cancer, and at least 1 epidemiological study shows an association between sleep deprivation (or lack of sleep) and an increase in the likelihood of precancerous (adenomatous) polyps.

So, stop reading this blog and get some sleep!

David Marcon, DC
463 Ohio Pike, Suite 104
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

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