Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Soy-ling of America

"Is there no end to the foods and other products that can get soy’led? Probably not, and these days soy could be lurking anywhere and everywhere. Although soy can seem like a renewable “green alternative” to petroleum products, the soy-ling of America is bad news indeed for people with severe soy allergies."
Read the entire blog post: Recovery from Modern Diets by Dr. Kaayla Daniel

Just to make sure you understand Soy is dangerous even for those not allergic to it.  Read this article posted by Dr. Briffa:  Think Soya's is a Safer Choice than Meat? Think Again!

"Soya beans contain naturally occurring toxins. These include phytic acid, which reduces our ability to absorb essential minerals, such as iron and zinc, and might therefore cause mineral deficiencies, and trypsin inhibitors, which impair the body’s capacity to digest protein."
Still not sold that Soya is not a health food!  Take a look at a law suit filed on behalf of inmates of the State of Illinois who for years have been feed a diet dominated by soya.

"Illinois convicts have gone to court, claiming that too much soy in their diets has left them with severe health problems, including heart issues and thyroid damage, along with allergic reactions and gastrointestinal distress."
Small amounts of fermented soy has been a staple of Asian diets for generations but typical of Americans we take a good thing and over do it.  The low cost, not the health benefits, have made the US the largest producers of soy beans.

Work Smarter; Not Harder!

Dr. David Marcon
Marcon Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

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